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FORM (English version) (UK) #5 / 2012

Ur innehållet:

What's your best side? In the new issue of design and architecture magazine, Form we take a look at visual merchandising in all its forms, from window dressing in order to sell product or more subtle methods.

Follow us as we examine a number of different approaches to window displays around the Nordic region. From Stockmann in Helsinki to Magasin du Nord in Copenhagen plus other examples which writer Julie Cirelli has encountered during her research.

Daniel Golling takes us on a tour of new Nordic food halls, a phenomenon spreading faster than autumnal wild mushrooms. Golling looks at Helsinki's Eat&Joy and Stockholm's Urban Deli as well as sampling the goods at Oslo's sprawling Mathallen.

Some might note that there is no better way to 'show your face' than through your website. Our web editor, Boris Vasic runs through some of the finer examples of web design where function and design acts as a business card to the world. We also look at the e-commerce of tomorrow; how will we be buying goods and services in years to come and asking what will happen to traditional outlets?

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