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FORM (English version) (UK) #4 / 2013

Ur innehållet:

Is there life after the fall of the Crystal Kingdom, Sweden's centre of glass industry? A week after the news that Orrefors glass factory is being shut down, glass stars Åsa Jungnelius and Ingegerd Råman speak openly about the crisis in the new issue of Form. "For me it's simply madness", Råman says of the owner New Wave Group's management of Orrefors.

Form magazine also takes part in the debate about the housing crisis, in a time of deteriorating suburbs and the fact the city builds sport arenas rather than houses. "Where is the will to shape a better society?", Tor Lindstrand of Royal Institute of Technology asks. He is seeking a greater social interest among architects and urban planners. In a longer article about the housing jungle of Stockholm, Form editor Julie Cirelli examines the new wave of furniture design, aimed at the owercrowded residents.

Also: read about two design legends – Finnish Yrjö Kukkapuro och the Hit Girl of Swedish fashion, Ann-Sofie Back – and why folklore, fishing cabins and huts have become highly topical in architecture. Form contiunes its investment in photography. In this issue you'll find Swedish photographer Gerry Johansson's unique series from the small towns of the US and a town named Normal.

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